Our dedicated team can provide services in many forms, Data Entry, Proof Reading, Back Office Support an more...
We provide our WSS Cloud to smaller companies that wish to have all their office needs catered for remotely, this includes data storage, file management, documentation production and more...
Our dedicated team members are on hand to provide solutions to many industries, this could be in the form of Proof Reading, Data Entry Analytics and more....
We provide a complete solution to gaining SafeContractor Approval, from designing all documents needed for approval, the team takes on the workload to gather the evidence and complete your back office. Once completed and access to the Online Approval process is available, we enter all the necessary paperwork for SafeContractor to approve your company. Once your company has gained the accreditation, we manage the continued data collection for the back office needed for the next approval process alinged for a full internal audit.
With over 35 years managing Operations, WSS has the staff to deliver a complete consultancy package for many industries such as Manufacturing, Multi Site Management, Security, Scrummaster software development. Managing workforces both large or small, aliging all areas of the business allowing it to grow.
WSS has a team of dedicated Sales & Marketing specialist, we are able to do the leg work and take away the stress of the hunt to gain new business, our staff are placed in many areas of inductry to target new growth for our clients'.
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